I always wonder where Iโ€™d be if I did so many things differently so really loved reading this! I often wish I could see into the future to get reassurance on decisions ๐Ÿ˜‚

I watched Look Both Ways this weekend on Netflix (super easy watch) and itโ€™s very similar to what you wrote about and the different futures/what ifs etc - really recommend!

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Oh if I had a book into the future...the things I would want to know about! Thanks for the recommendation I have it on my list of things to watch - maybe one for this weekend since it's such a timely topic!

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This film sounds interesting, Iโ€™ll give it a watch. The book The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is great ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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I loved this Natalie! It definitely took me back to the times Iโ€™d drive for hours to and from work and also think the same types of things.. I wonder if I .. what if I didnโ€™t do.. sometimes they were lovely thoughts and others made me realise how smart I was in some of the decisions I made too! Thank you for bringing back these memories :)

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Thank you for sharing Rebecca - I don't know what it is about car drives, but they really do just let your mind wander (even though I should definitely be paying attention to the road!)

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Agree! Sometimes I arrive and think.. I donโ€™t even recall that journey (as in the sights on the way!)

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I think about this sometimes, too! For years I wanted to be an accountant and ended up changing my mind during my first year of college. I also really loved math (And was good at it! Now I donโ€™t remember anything haha) and had signed up to take an advanced math class that first year but one of the advisors talked me out of it because it was for upperclassmen. I always wonder what my life would have been like if I had taken that math class, or if Iโ€™d decided to continue with accounting!

Sometimes I think about changing my career completely and doing something different (like law school, even though this makes no sense with my personality, or coding, or or or...). Writing a newsletter has actually cured some of this restlessness and made me realize that I actually really enjoy my current career!

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I'm the opposite! I was always and will forever be truly terrible at math. But I've always had a creative edge. I think the notion that a creative job wouldn't help pay the bills is perhaps why I never truly pursued it properly.

I have definitely thought of fully abandoning my career and just going back to school completely, even though that isn't necessarily a logical thing to do! I think starting a newsletter as ignited something new in me and I'm glad I did it!

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I didnโ€™t get the grades I needed at school to do graphic design or go to art school as I had dreamed of. I left school at 16 and went to college and did beauty therapy for 3 years. At the age of 43, I continue to make a living in the beauty industry as a lash stylist, which I do enjoy. I did go back to study a bit of illustration and graphic design at night school in my early twenties but I didnโ€™t complete the course as I got married then opened a salon. At times, I do wonder where I would be if I had stuck in at my art/illustration work...

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Hi Laura, thank you for commenting and sharing your experience with me. It is so crazy the rabbit hole of "who would I have been if I did this..." It sounds like you've still done something worthwhile with opening your own salon, your own business! That's an incredible achievement in itself. Perhaps the art/illustration work could still be a hobby? A side-hustle?

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Yes I like to draw now and then as a hobby, โค๏ธ I have an instagram page called @alura_art which I started in lockdown. Donโ€™t get quite as much time to draw at the moment... but thatโ€™s because you begin/try other things ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Well I just gave it a follow x. I'm always trying new things, knitting was a lockdown hobby and I've yet to finish the blanket I started!

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